This well-established two doctor practice is located in York County Maine in a scenic seaside community with excellent demographics. Average gross revenues exceed $1.375 million, average restated net profit equals $423,561.
The 2,254 square foot office is located on the first floor of a professional office condominium with excellent street frontage, handsome exterior appearance, and both on and off-street parking. The office contains 4 exam lanes, large frame selection and optical dispensary at almost 500 square feet, pre-exam room, separate contact lens fitting area and camera room, optical lab room, business office, and reception area. Office is computerized with 12 work stations with computers in each exam room. In the process of converting to EMR software with expected completion date in June. The retiring owners outfitted the office with about $175,000 of new equipment over the past few years including Optos imaging system!
Patients come from Portland, Biddeford, Scarborough, Saco, Kennebunk, and most all of southern Maine. The practice participates with all major insurance carriers with patient payments totaling an average of 64% of gross revenues.
Price: N/D; 100% Bank financing available.
Revenues: 2013 = $1,435,706; 2012 = $1,304,290; 2011 = $1,424,880
Adjusted Net Income: 2013 = $458,739; 2012 = $439,632; 2011 = $453,432
Reference#: #OD489268ME