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VPG folks, you guys are amazing! It has been a real pleasure working with you. My practice is in the best hands and I will always be indebted to you for bringing such qualified buyers to the table. You could not have found a more perfect match for the practice.
Julio Arroyo O.D.
It is with pleasure that I offer a hearty endorsement of VPG and Erik for the help he provided evaluating and selling my optometric practice. Erik's knowledge of the optometry business, his extensive experience and his connections in the industry helped us reach a financially and emotionally satisfying outcome. I could not be happier with my experience and results.
Rick Smart O.D.
I do not have enough words to convey how grateful I am to Erik and his team. I have always dreamt of owning a practice. I was so impressed by how engaged and attentive Erik was to what I was looking for in a practice. He is extremely knowledgeable, hardworking, caring and passionate. His expertise and service surpassed my expectations! I would highly recommend VPG to my colleagues.
Dr. Natacha Louis-Charles O.D.